Top 7 Best Plugins for ReactJS

A plugin is an extension to the source code that can be integrated into frameworks or applications to provide additional features and functionalities. This helps make the framework or application smoother and easier to maintain.
In ReactJS, there are many plugins available that offer new features and tools such as state management, routing, UI creation, and testing. Depending on the project’s requirements, you can choose the appropriate plugin.

Here are the top 7 plugins for ReactJS that developers can refer to:


Redux is a state management library for React applications. It helps manage the application’s state in a centralized manner and provides a way to store and manage the state in a single store. This makes tracking and debugging easier.

Key features of Redux include:

  • Provides developer tools (Redux DevTools) for inspecting state.
  • Easy setup.
  • Speeds up React app development.
  • Supports both React and React Native.
  • Compatible with many programming languages, including TypeScript.
  • Simplified debugging and state tracking.
  • Reduces the need to pass props across multiple component layers.

React Router

React Router is a library for managing routes in ReactJS applications. It provides an intuitive API for defining routes, handling redirects, and maintaining browser history. This enhances navigation between pages and improves the user experience.
React Router allows dynamic routes and flexible path configurations, making changes easy when needed. Features include lazy loading and code splitting to optimize app performance.

React Dropzone

React Dropzone is a library that enables file uploads via a dropzone interface in the browser. While it’s simple in concept, with added CSS and database integration, it can be a powerful tool for complex forms requiring file uploads.

Features include:

  • File validation.
  • Image preview support.
  • File size and type restrictions.
  • Supports multiple file uploads.
  • Independent of CSS or databases.

React Toastify

React Toastify is a library for displaying toast notifications in ReactJS applications, allowing for non-intrusive notifications without disrupting the user’s experience. It offers features like customizable styles, multilingual support, and animation effects for notifications.

Features include:

  • Customizable styles and content.
  • Multiple notification types.
  • Adjustable display times.
  • Smooth animation effects when showing or hiding notifications.

React Bootstrap

React Bootstrap is a component library for ReactJS based on the Bootstrap CSS framework. It provides ready-to-use UI components that work seamlessly with Bootstrap’s responsive design and grid system.

Key features of React Bootstrap:

  • Responsive components.
  • Supports the grid system.
  • Flexible styling.
  • Includes components like modals, tooltips, and dropdowns.
  • Easy integration and customization.

VSCode React Refactor

VSCode React Refactor is an extension for VSCode specifically designed for ReactJS developers. It helps with quick code refactoring, such as extracting JSX into new classes or components. It also supports TypeScript, TSX, and standard functions.

Notable features include:

  • Compatibility with React Hooks API.
  • Handles constraints for properties and main functions.
  • Supports TSX and TypeScript.
  • Works with classes, functions, and arrow functions.


Prettier is an automatic code formatting tool. While it’s not specifically designed for ReactJS, it can be used to format React projects and maintain consistent style guidelines throughout the codebase.

Features include:

  • Supports various programming languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, CSS, etc.
  • Code formatting using keyboard shortcuts.
  • Automatically formats files to make code more readable and easier to maintain.